
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

iPS cell

万能細胞 人工多能性幹細胞 iPS細胞 (皮膚などの体の細胞に、遺伝子などを導入して作る。神経や心筋、肝臓などあらゆる細胞に変化させることができる。;⇒induced pluripotent stem cell)

iPS cellの関連語句

iPS cellの用例

A Kyoto University research team’s iPS cells have the potential to develop into almost any kind of cell, including organ and tissue cells, from human skin cells.

A Riken regenerative science team filed an application with the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry for screening of clinical research on an intractable eye disease using iPS cells.

By producing nerve and bone cells from the iPS cells produced from patients who have rare diseases, research to identify the causes of rare diseases has been carried out.

By the go-ahead to conducting clinical studies using iPS cells in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, a big step has been taken toward realizing regenerative medicine using iPS cells.

Dr. Shinya Yamanaka, who heads Kyoto University’s Center for iPS Cell Research and Application, received the 2012 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine as a pioneer in the clinical application of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells.

Genes that can trigger cancer have to be used in the process of making iPS cells, so iPS cells have the possibility of turning cancerous.

Hopes for medical applications of iPS cells have been boosted as Yamanaka won the Nobel Prize.

In tests to confirm the safety of newly produced medicines, cells such as cardiac muscle that is produced from iPS cells have already been utilized.

In the clinical research project scheduled to be launched as early as the summer of 2014, iPS cells will be created from a patient’s skin cells and cultivated to form cell sheets that will be attached to the retina.

Riken and another research organization got the go-ahead to conduct clinical studies using iPS cells in the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, which is an intractable eye disease that can appear as part of aging.

STAP cells, which can be more easily and more efficiently produced than iPS cells, are considered to be at a lower risk of becoming cancerous than iPS cells.

The applications of iPS cells are also planned for the treatment of serious heart diseases and spinal cord injuries due to road accidents.

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