
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

important issue

重要な問題 重要な課題 大きな争点 重要な論点[争点]

important issueの用例

As an important issue in the upcoming upper house election, the LDP unveiled policies to promote wider use of cheap generic drugs and prevent people from receiving treatment at more than one medical institution for the same disease.

As an important issue of the upper house election, the political parties have made proposals that highlight handout policies to win the support of voters in farming communities.

In Japan, ensuring a stable supply of the fuel for thermal power generation and importing the gas from a wide array of countries have become important issues since the accident at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant.

Reinvigorating the economy and rebuilding public finances are an important issue for the Abe administration.

The Abe administration has positioned educational reform as an important issue to be tackled along with economic recovery.

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