
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in an effort to

〜しようとして 〜しようと努力して 〜するため 〜を目指して 〜を狙って (⇒rumor)

in an effort toの用例

As China has been criticized for allegedly hiding information on the new coronavirus, the Chinese government has sent masks and protective clothing to more than 150 countries and international organizations, in an effort to regain ground.

Egypt’s Morsi administration has concluded a basic agreement with the IMF on loans totaling $4.8 billion, with strings attached, in an effort to avert a default on debts.

In a last-ditch effort to form a coalition government, Greek President Karolos Papoulias met with all political party leaders.

In an effort to create a mutually beneficial relationship based on common strategic interests, Japan has promoted cooperation with China in energy saving and environmental protection.

In an effort to more effectively implement policies, secretaries general of the DPJ and the LDP separately expressed their support for forming a grand coalition.

In an effort to secure the profitability of its loss-making electronics business lines, Sony will launch a massive business restructuring, spinning off its key TV operations into a wholly owned subsidiary.

In an effort to uncover the entire picture of the murder case by the three boys, the Kanagawa prefectural police are working to confirm their statements.

NTT Docomo Inc. is developing a new smartphone OS jointly with Korea’s Samsung Electronics Co. and other firms in an effort to compete with U.S. tech giants Google and Apple.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has stressed his stance of giving weight to relations with ASEAN members in an effort to draw on the rapid economic growth in the region as well as hold China in check.

Shinsei and Aozora banks announced a plan to merge in an effort to expand their customer bases and improve earnings.

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