in excess of

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in excess of

〜を超える 〜超の 〜を超えて[超過して] 〜より多く 〜以上の

in excess ofの用例

According to the estimate of the white paper on information and telecommunications released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the use of big data could have an economic impact in excess of 7 trillion yen a year in the form of product development and cost reductions.

As a noteworthy comment, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe positioned support of women as one of Japan’s important international contributions and declared Japan would implement ODA in excess of $3 billion to that end over the next three years.

During upcoming labor-management wage negotiations in 2014, Toyota is considering offering a base pay increase in excess of ¥3,000 compared with a base pay hike of ¥1,000 from 2006 to 2008.

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