
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in exchange for

〜の代わりに 〜と引換え[引き換え]に 〜と引換えで 〜と交換で 〜のお返しに 〜の見返りに

in exchange forの用例

A Chinese intelligence operative, who sought political asylum in Australia in exchange for providing information to the Australian Government, blew his cover.

CSFB was accused by the SEC and the NASD of charging big customers extraordinarily high trading commissions in exchange for shares of high-flying initial public offerings.

Ex-Kyoto University Hospital associate professor and doctor was arrested for allegedly receiving bribes from a medical equipment trader in exchange for favored treatment regarding orders from the university.

In exchange for scaling back uranium enrichment, Iranian hard-liners want significant reductions of sanctions.

KEDO was established in March 1995 under the U.S.-North Korea Agreed Framework signed in 1994 to build two LWRs in North Korea in exchange for a freeze on operations at its graphite-moderated nuclear reactors.

The modus operandi of the cybercrime group known as DarkSide is to infiltrate a targeted large company with ransomware that encrypts data, demanding a ransom in exchange for restoring access to the data.

The referendum of Greece will decide whether the country can get another last-ditch financial rescue in exchange for more harsh austerity measures.

There is a deep-rooted sense of caution against China’s BRI methods, in which Chinese government develops ports and other facilities with loans that exceed the repayment capacity of the recipient country to obtain the right to use the facilities in exchange for the cancellation of debts and turn them into militant strongholds for China.

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