
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in order to

〜するために 〜するためには 〜するには

in order toの用例

In order not to let China get the upper hand in a territorial dispute over the Senkakus, the Foreign Ministry opened a new banner labeled “Japan-China relations: Current situation of the Senkaku Islands” on the homepage of its website.

In order to counter China’s naval buildup, the Self-Defense Forces need to speed up work to increase its surveillance of the Nansei Islands.

In order to cut off funds to North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program, the government will tighten controls on illegal bilateral transactions, including exports of materials for making missiles and smuggling of narcotics and counterfeit bank notes into the country.

In order to dispel investors’ mistrust over the benchmark rates such as the Libor and the Tibor, ceaseless efforts by bankers associations and their members are essential.

In order to excavate shale gas, high-pressure water is pumped underground to break rocks containing the gas. But this method may contaminate underground water and induce earthquakes.

In order to explain the flaws of ES cells, the 2012 Nobel laureate Shinya Yamanaka created an illustration showing a weeping human embryo and mouse, which had a tumor growing out of its side.

In order to foster human resources capable of playing key roles in technological innovation, the government will increase the degree of freedom for universities.

In order to get people to visit your blog, you have to blow your own horn.

In order to preserve political neutrality and secure equity in the execution of public services, the political activity of public employees is limited under the National Civil Service Law and the Local Civil Service Law.

It is important for the Abe administration to remove barriers to hamper the economic activities of the private sector in order to improve the efficacy of the growth strategy.

It is necessary to create new jobs and make more use of women and senior citizens in the workforce in order to enhance growth potential amid Japan’s declining population.

It is vital for Japan to strengthen the Japan-U.S. defense cooperation and enhance its deterrent capability in order to respond to China’s rapid military buildup and risky threatening behavior as well as North Korea’s military provocations.

It’s essential for Indonesia to be more integrated into the regional production network while increasing its share of the value it can add within global value chains, in order to create skilled jobs and increase foreign currency earnings.

Japan must expand the number of SDF personnel and equipment in answer to China’s medium- and long-term military buildup in order to contain dangerous military actions of China.

Japan must seek regional stability in line with international regulations and the spirit of the rule of law by working together with the United States and other countries in order to prevent military tensions with China from escalating.

Japan must strengthen the competitiveness of its manufacturing industry which will lead to increasing exports in order to rebuild its status as a trading country.

The government must push ahead with a growth strategy by means of nurturing new, promising kinds of industry and fostering external demand in Asia and elsewhere in order to materialize a “favorable boost in prices” accompanied by improvements in business activities and employment.

The government must restore fiscal soundness in order to reinvigorate the national economy and put it on a sustainable growth path.

Ukraine will be required to increase its gas reserves from a current 13.5 billion cubic meters to about 200 billion cubic meters in order to get through the winter.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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