
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in principle

原則的に 原則として 原則 基本的に 全体としては 大筋で おおむね

in principleの用例

According to the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, if one parent takes a child under 16 to that parent’s country without the other parent’s consent, the child should, in principle, be sent back to their country of habitual residence.

Highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of secrecy designation.

In conjunction with the introduction of new education guidelines in April 2013, high school English classes are to be conducted in English in principle.

In principle, it’s a domestic affair of Japan and other nations have no right to meddle how we should pay tribute to the memory of our war dead.

Starting July 1, 2020, plastic shopping bags cost money in principle to prevent marine pollution by plastic waste.

The Japan Student Baseball Charter created in 1946 was extensively revised in 2010, and the ban on interactions between pros and amateurs was lifted in principle.

To preserve the environment of Mt. Fuji, a World Heritage site, the Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectural governments will collect ¥1,000 per climber in principle as a voluntary admission fee.

Under the revised worker dispatch law, people doing specialist jobs will have to change their posts every three years as the revised law sets a three-year limit, in principle, on individual dispatched employees working in the same post.

Under the secrecy protection law, highly confidential state secrets will be disclosed in principle after 30 years of confidentiality designation. But concrete measures, such as how to disclose or destroy documents after the secrecy period ends, have been left up in the air.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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