
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

in the works

計画中の 計画されている 進行中の 進行中で 準備中で 完成間近で

in the worksの関連語句

in the worksの用例

Afghan intelligence had advance information that a Taliban attack was in the works.

A labor-hearing system is designed to swiftly disputes, including dismissals and harassment at work, between workers and their employers.

As a stepping-stone for a mission to Mars, NASA will start work on finding a small asteroid that could be shifted into an orbit near the moon and used by astronauts.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang delivered a government work report at the opening session of the 12th National People’s Congress (NPC), China’s top legislature, held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on March 5, 2014.

Due to the IT revolution and trade liberalization, product specialization now is determined by comparative advantages not in finished products but in work unique to each country or region in the context of global value chains.

In accordance with the first phase agreement, Iran is to stop construction work on a heavy-water reactor capable of yielding plutonium, the fissile material for nuclear weapons.

In consideration of human resources and costs, outsourcing of work to overseas companies has been increasing in the field of information technology.

In order to counter China’s naval buildup, the Self-Defense Forces need to speed up work to increase its surveillance of the Nansei Islands.

In the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, resident cards and clinical records were lost after local government offices and hospitals were damaged, which hampered work to rescue disaster victims.

“Japan and China will start administrative work to implement the maritime liaison mechanism,” Abe told reporters after the Japan-China summit meeting held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

Modifying the genes of living things was a cumbersome work requiring specialized technologies until the CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing tool called “genetic scissors” was developed by two female scientists of France and the United States.

The commanding organ for the work to review the Basic Plan on Ocean Policy, a set of guidelines for medium- and long-term ocean policies, is the Ocean Policy Headquarters.

The company’s senior managing director has been in charge of technological development work.

The movie adaptation of a kiss-and-tell best-selling book about the current French President Francois Hollande, which has sold 730,000 copies in France and been translated into 11 languages, is in the works.

The newly unearthed works of Caravaggio are said to be worth about 700 million euros.

The victims of massacres deemed as the work of government militiamen in the central Syrian town of Houla was subject to atrocities such as being gunned down or stabbed to death.

To prevent bullying at school or bullying at work, respect for social norms and public morality must be nurtured at school and through work experiences in local communities.

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was hospitalized with a blood clot in her head, but she returned to work a little over a week after that.

Work to decommission Fukushima No.1 nuclear power plant is a long drawn-out task for the Nuclear Regulation Authority.

in the works

計画中の 計画されている 進行中の 進行中で 準備中で 完成間近で

in the worksの用例

The movie adaptation of a kiss-and-tell best-selling book about the current French President Francois Hollande, which has sold 730,000 copies in France and been translated into 11 languages, is in the works.

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