
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

income tax reductions


income tax reductionsの関連語句

income tax reductionsの用例

According to the estimate of the white paper on information and telecommunications released by the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry, the use of big data could have an economic impact in excess of 7 trillion yen a year in the form of product development and cost reductions.

By the reduction of job opportunities at home, the Japanese economy is in danger of falling into a vicious cycle in which it becomes increasingly anemic.

Despite the fact that automotive exhaust accounts for a sharply shrinking proportion of air pollution, some state environmental agencies would mandate the sale of a certain number of electric cars, they would propose use of alternative fuels that are not required by the Clean Air Act, or they would develop “trip reduction” plans that go so far as to fine businesses that don’t get enough employees to carpool.

Fiscal cliff refers to a significant reduction in the budget deficit that the U.S. government will face if Congress does not avert tax increases and spending cuts.

If automatic spending cuts are launched on March 1, 2013 as scheduled, the cuts dubbed as the “sequester” would reduce federal spending across the board by $85 billion for one year, with the total of reductions through 2022 amounting to about $1.2 trillion.

In the fiscal 2009 budget, the government imposed a 32 percent year-on-year reduction in the overall public relations outlay.

It remains uncertain how the U.S. will resolve the fiscal cliff, which refers to a combination of expiring huge tax cuts and automatic spending reductions from the beginning of 2013.

Many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression in the 1930s believed that the world economy would recover as they expected wage reductions to jump-start the automatic market adjusting mechanisms.

Political parties should hold in-depth discussions, with the aim of raising productivity in agriculture, on the matters of expanding the entry of companies into the agricultural sector, reviewing the rice paddy reduction program and reform of agricultural cooperatives.

Prime Minister Abe will push through a “bold tax reduction” to promote proactive investment by companies as part of his growth strategy.

The ECB’s policy rate is already close to zero and a further rate reduction will only have a limited effect.

The estimated operating profit of Toyota in nonconsolidated accounting stems from its cost reduction efforts in addition to the recent weaker yen.

The increase of exports, corporate restructuring, centered on debt reduction, and government-led structural reforms brought about the economic recovery.

The revised law of normalizing and reinvigorating the taxi industry is aimed at designating central Tokyo and the downtown areas of other major cities as “special areas” because the number of cabs is regarded as excessive, which will be subject to mandatory taxi reductions.

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