
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

incumbent executives

現経営陣 現職の経営陣

incumbent executivesの関連語句

incumbent executivesの用例

A former executive of the securities firm was arrested by the Yokohama District Public Prosecutors Office on suspicion of insider trading in violation of the Financial Instruments and Exchange Law.

An executive of a midsized supermarket said that it would be at least six months before economic recovery benefits would reach supermarkets.

An executive of the Bank of England, Britain’s central bank, is suspected to have pressured Barclays to engage in the Libor rate manipulation.

A public backlash against Washington over the AIG executives’ bonuses makes it tougher for Obama to ask Congress for more bailout help.

At the bank, a string of executives resigned one after another due to differences over management policy.

Company executives must strengthen their firms’ competitiveness, adapting them to suit the characteristics of the market at the time and places in which they are operating.

Corporate executives could not predict their firms’ drastic business deterioration.

FIFA top officials and others including the executives of sports marketing firms were arrested on suspicion of violating the U.S. RICO Act.

I’m very sorry we’ve disturbed the public, President Akio Toyoda said after the firm’s first female executive was arrested for allegedly importing painkiller oxycodone illegally into Japan without permission from authorities.

Riken executives released an interim report on an internal investigation into alleged irregularities in two papers on potentially groundbreaking pluripotent stem cell research.

Scandal-hit Daio Paper’s executives bowed before about 200 shareholders at its general shareholders meeting held at the company’s head office.

The bank’s executive in charge of compliance knew the bank had made transactions with antisocial groups, but the executive did not take any concrete measures and did not report them to its president and other top-level executives.

The current top three executives of the Liberal Democratic Party don’t belong to any intraparty faction the party will put an end to faction-oriented politics.

The DPJ executives added the creation of a tax credit system, including tax breaks and cash benefits, to the bills to raise the consumption tax rate as relief measures for low-income earners.

The Japanese business management style is characterized by a lack of tension between company executives and shareholders.

U.S. President Obama called AIG reckless and greedy during his blistering attack on the bonuses of the firm’s executives.

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