
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

industrialized country [economy, nation, power]

工業国 工業先進国 先進国 (⇒worsening fiscal conditions)

industrialized country [economy, nation, power]の関連語句

industrialized country [economy, nation, power]の用例

As major industrialized nations have enforced austerity programs in an attempt to rebalance their budgets while maintaining easy monetary policies, the world economy is still unstable.

At the 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP18) held in Doha, only the confrontation between industrialized nations and emerging and developing economies over measures to take for global warming was noteworthy.

In the COP18, emerging and developing countries called on the industrialized nations to increase their financial support for their efforts to reduce emissions. But the industrialized nations, mired in their own fiscal problems, responded negatively, thereby kicking the can down the road.

The Kyoto Protocol, which the United States has not ratified, obliges only the industrialized nations including Japan and EU member nations to reduce greenhouse emissions.

The leaders of the Group of Eight industrialized powers reaffirmed the strengthening of their cooperation to overcome the economic crisis.

To realize both economic growth and fiscal stabilization, major industrialized economies have enforced austerity programs while maintaining easy monetary policies.

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