

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

industry surrounding governments


industry surrounding governmentsの関連語句

industry surrounding governmentsの用例

About 60 companies in the service and distribution industries participated in a joint company explanation meeting for university students graduating in spring 2015 in Shinjuku Ward, Tokyo.

About ¥310,000 of the average monthly salary for nursery workers is about ¥90,000 lower than the average for all industries.

A growing number of women and elderly people have been starting business in such categories of industry as the service, wholesale and retail sectors.

Annual electronics industry shipments amount to about ¥33.5 trillion, about 10 percent of all domestic manufacturing shipments.

A prerequisite for the continued existence of industry in Japan is an affordable and stable supply of high-quality electricity.

As labor costs in China are expected to continue rising, labor-intensive industries such as fashion and electronics will keep relocating their manufacturing bases to Southeast Asia and other regions with cheaper labor.

As there are concerns about the ramifications of drops in sales after the consumption tax rate hike as well as a respite in the effect of the depreciating yen, new challenges are now confronting Japanese industries.

At present, export industries including home appliances and automobiles are raising their expectations for improved corporate performance under the weak yen, which has also driven up stock prices.

A weak yen benefits the export industries such as automobiles and home appliances, but excessive depreciation of the yen could have the negative effect on the Japanese economy.

Bic Camera, the industry’s fifth-largest consumer electronics discount retailer, will acquire more than 50 percent of Kojima through the latter’s private placement of new shares.

Both the public and private sectors must pour their energies into nurturing new industries that promise expanded employment opportunities.

Business operators in the pharmaceutical industry provide people with estimates about the spread of colds in their areas by analyzing both postings on the Internet about the prevalence of colds and weather forecasts.

Compared with large and mid-sized jet aircrafts which are the leading players in the aviation industry, a regional jet is less likely to cause noise pollution.

Corporations must work on job training for those people who will lead future industries, through improved technical training and other human resources development programs.

Deterioration of corporate performance has spread from information technology-related industries to auto and other manufacturing industries and financial services.

Domestic industries including tourism are highly expected to reap the benefits if the expanded budget services by LCCs attract more tourists from other Asian regions to Japan.

Electronics is a key national industry alongside the auto industry and the sector provides about 807,000 jobs.

Fourteen Asian nations have agreed to cooperate to foster Asian content industries, such as the movie and music industries.

In a flurry of decrees after he returned to the presidency, Putin ordered Russia’s government to shake up state-run industries.

Industries across the board seems to have been hit hard by a sharp decline in demand resulting from the fallout of the new coronavirus pandemic.

Industries at the upper end of the production stream have higher increases in recurring profits.

In the beer industry, a single day’s shipment volume during the busiest season from June to August influences the annual performances of beer companies.

In the content industry, exports only account for 2 percent of total sales, far below the 18 percent seen by the United States.

In the United Stated, $87 billion was invested in shale gas and shale oil production in 2012, and $62 billion in tax revenue was generated by shale-related industries.

In the wake of the disaster in which the South Korean ferry Sewol sank in waters off Jindo, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry has instructed the passenger ship industry to reconfirm the safety of sea routes and procedures for emergency escape from vessels.

Japan must strengthen the competitiveness of its manufacturing industry which will lead to increasing exports in order to rebuild its status as a trading country.

Labor unions of major automakers and other key industries submitted their demands to management and this year’s spring labor offensive started.

Nonmanufacturing industries posted a 23 percent increase in recurring profits.

Previous consolidation within the industry has been done in a friendly manner.

Since the deregulation of the civil aviation industry, two airlines entered the market on domestic trunk routes.

Since this spring, job openings have been falling below comparable figures for the same months last year in all 11 major industries.

Stock prices have been rising due to an expectation that the Abe administration’s measures to deal with the appreciation of the yen will revitalize the domestic industries.

The cornerstone of the Cool Japan initiative aimed at promoting the exports of Japanese pop culture is the content industry which produces anime, video games and movies.

The department store industry is sluggish due to the prolonged recession.

The DPJ asserts to maintain the current income compensation system for individual farmers and to expand it to cover the livestock and dairy industries.

The government’s policy of ending reliance on nuclear power generation will accelerate the hollowing-out of industry and hamper nuclear power plant exports.

The Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry has been compiling the turnover rates of university graduates within three years of their graduation by industry.

The Japanese manufacturing industry is expected to benefit from the weak yen.

The management skills of leaders of major Japanese steel companies are being tested as they seek to defend their firms from accelerating consolidation in the global steel industry.

The rebates in the beer industry were paid to wholesalers and retailers according to their respective sales amounts.

The recent yen’s appreciation is not so painful as to deal a heavy blow to export-oriented industries.

The record trade deficit in 2012 was caused by a decline in exports due to the European financial crisis and deceleration of the Chinese economy, together with a sharp increase in imports of liquefied natural gas and the rapid hollowing-out of the domestic manufacturing industry.

The three pillars of the Abe administration’s growth strategy are restoring the nation’s industries, strategically creating new markets and helping Japan’s businesses expand abroad.

The turnover rate of university graduates within three years of their graduation in fiscal 2009 was 51 percent in the hotel industry, while the utility industry marked 8.8 percent.

The United States and European countries have a technological edge in the field of 3-D printers which are expected to revolutionize the world’s manufacturing industries.

To enhance economic growth potential, it is also essential to support research and development projects in such growth sectors as energy and the environment, and foster new industries that are internationally competitive.

To promote and boost the tourism industry, it is important to establish public infrastructure by the construction or extension of Shinkansen lines and through the building of airports or seaports that could become international hubs which will lead to strengthening international competitiveness.

To restore domestic industries, the government will designate the next five years as an emergency period for structural reforms, focusing on measures such as utilizing the female labor force and promoting private investment.

Trilateral cooperation between industry, academia and the government is crucial to steadily advance iPS R&D projects.

Under the new residential status system for foreign workers holding specified skills, which was introduced in 2019, foreigners are allowed to engage in unskilled labor in 14 categories of industry, such as construction and nursing care.

Under the revised law of normalizing and invigorating the taxi industry, new entries into the industry and taxi fleet expansions will be prohibited for a certain period in the “special areas” where the number of cabs is regarded as excessive.

Under the worst-case scenario in which Japan chooses a policy of totally eliminating nuclear energy by 2030, the country’s industry will inevitably cease and people will lose jobs and fall into poverty.

U.S. industries and foreign companies have high expectations for the future of the energy source amid a rise in crude oil and gas production from shale formation in the United States.

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