
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

instead of

〜の代わりに 〜する代わりに 〜することなく 〜するのではなく 〜しないで

instead ofの用例

A recovery will be export-driven, dependent on U.S. growth and the yen’s depreciation, instead of being led by increased domestic consumption and capital investment.

China and South Korea are intensifying their criticism that Japan is leaning to the right instead of reflecting on its past militarism.

In response to the new coronavirus spread, the company introduced telework in which its employees work remotely using communication devices and other measures instead of traveling to offices.

Instead of accepting information on social media without question, internet users must keep in mind that there is a lot of unconfirmed information in it.

Introducing renewable energy sources instead of nuclear power plants may lead to the hollowing-out of the domestic industrial sector in the face of increased production costs, and bankruptcies of small and midsized businesses.

The company changed its wage system to a merit-based one instead of increasing wages almost across the board through pay scale hikes.

The former head coach of the national women’s judo team continued to adopt an overbearing attitude toward a female judoka instead of offering an apology after she reported the coach’s physical abuse to the All Japan Judo Federation, fueling the anger of other team members.

The Japanese government responded to this illegal landing on the Senkaku Islands strictly and fairly based on domestic laws, instead of making emotional judgments.

Under the revised residency management system, the government issues a resident ID card for foreign visa holders, instead of the alien registration certificates that were previously issued.

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