
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

insurance premium


insurance premiumの関連語句

insurance premiumの用例

As deregulation, the Abe administration intends to expand the scope of mixed treatments, a combination of medical practices covered in part by public health insurance and in part by patients.

As the second significant increase following the 11.7 percent hike in fiscal 2011, premiums for the compulsory auto insurance will be increased by an average of 13.5 percent from April 2013.

Breast implants used in breast reconstruction treatment after a breast cancer operation will be covered by medical insurance starting July 2013.

Elective health checkups are not covered by insurance.

The accumulated deficits of the compulsory auto insurance program exceeded ¥500 billion at the end of fiscal 2012. This is mainly because revenues decreased after premiums for the insurance were drastically lowered in fiscal 2008, while insurance payouts for deaths and injuries caused by traffic accidents have increased.

The planned increase of premiums for the compulsory auto insurance that every car owner must take out is attributed to the deteriorating financial condition of the insurance program.

U.S. President Obama is forced to reverse himself on the new health care law as his assurance that Americans could keep their insurance they liked under the law has proved untrue.

insurance premium


insurance premiumの用例

In the compulsory auto insurance program, returns from the insurance premiums are accumulated in reserve funds to use for projects, including one to help people who suffered permanent damage in traffic accidents.

Nursing care insurance premiums will rise to a national average of about ¥8,000 per month from the current ¥5,000 in fiscal 2025.

Under the current Japanese pension system for company employees, employees and employers each pay half of the insurance premiums worth 17.35 percent of the employee’s monthly salary, or 13.58 percent of their annual income.

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