
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

international community

国際社会 (⇒ceasefire, display)

international communityの関連語句

international communityの用例

According to Iran’s IAEA Ambassador, the international community has not found any smoking gun to prove that Iran wants nuclear arms.

Based on the recovery of its economic might, Japan will positively contribute to the peace and stability of the international community from the standpoint of a “proactive pacifism.”

In connection with the Ukraine situation, no country must be allowed to change its national borders by threat of force, and the international community should unite in addressing the Ukraine crisis.

Japan is expected by the United States to play a bigger role in the international community by a lifting of the ban on exercising the right of collective self-defense.

Japan is making a wide appeal to the international community to recognize the legitimacy of the nation’s sovereignty over the Takeshima islands.

Japan must gain a greater voice and influence in the international community to generate the virtuous circle of the Japanese economy.

North Korea’s missile launch under the guise of a satellite launch contravenes the nonproliferation efforts of the international community.

President Vladimir Putin’s letter to European leaders aims to divide the 28-nation EU and siphon off to Russia the billions that the international community plans to lend to Ukraine.

Regional conflicts stemming from religious or ethnic animosity, as well as the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, pose a serious threat to the international community.

South Korea’s illegal occupation of the Takeshima islands will become widely known to the international community through Japan’s planned lodging of a suit to the ICJ.

The government must demonstrate the legitimacy of Japan’s territorial claim on the Senkakus to the international community to counter China’s propaganda campaign on the islands in the United States and Europe.

The international community is trying to find a way out of the deadlock to solve the Syrian situation of a de facto civil war.

The international community must stand firm against terrorism and stamp it out.

The international community, particularly Europe, Israel’s biggest trade partner, has been intensifying criticism of Israel’s continuing construction of settlements in the West Bank.

The international community sent a clear message of continued support for Afghanistan at a donor [donors] conference held in Tokyo.

The Japanese government should exercise leadership in the international community as a nation that understands the inhumane nature of nuclear weapons, the mayor of Nagasaki said at the 69th anniversary of U.S. atomic bombing.

The latest enlargement has made the responsibility of the EU in the international community even heavier.

The Palestinian autonomous government should capitalize on the international community’s support to resume peace negotiations with Israel.

To eradicate terrorism, the cooperation of the international community must be strengthened to resolutely deal with despicable terrorist acts.

We must dispel the international community’s misunderstandings on the comfort women issue so long as no evidence proving the forcible recruitment of them has been found.

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[1973~ ]プロ野球選手。愛知の生まれ。本名、鈴木一朗。平成3年(1991)オリックスに入団。平成6年(1994)、当時のプロ野球新記録となる1シーズン210安打を放ち首位打者となる。平成13年(...


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