
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

involved in

〜に参加する 〜に加わる 〜に加入する 〜に参入する 〜を行う 〜を手がける 〜に携わる 〜に関与する 〜に関わる 〜に巻き込まれる 〜に依存している 〜に協力する 〜に夢中になる 〜に熱中している 〜に没頭する 〜に包まれた

involved inの関連語句

involved inの用例

A male professor at a law school, who was involved in creating test questions for this year’s bar examination, leaked the content of an essay question to a female examinee who was one of his students, prior to the exam.

Among international terrorist organizations are groups involved in organized drug trafficking to raise funds for terrorism.

Children under 18 years old are involved in sex crimes triggered by the use of social media such as Twitter.

If audiovisual recordings are made during the questioning of suspects, suspects involved in organized crime may hesitate to testify for fear of retaliation.

In response to a series of false labeling cases at hotels, department stores and elsewhere, the Consumer Affairs Agency will introduce a system to impose administrative monetary penalties on those involved in food mislabeling.

Listed companies involved in individual-oriented businesses like retail or services may decide to carry out stock splits after domestic bourses urged listed companies to reduce the minimum amount needed to buy stock to less than ¥500,000.

Many people involved in illegal money transfers to accounts overseas ended up taking part in international crimes after following instructions in e-mails disguised as job offers.

Police took action on 68 people, 59 of whom are Chinese, involved in illegal money transfer via the Internet in 2013, including those who only played the role of withdrawing money from ATMs, but no suspected masterminds were arrested.

The protagonist of an animated movie titled “Kaze Tachinu” (The Wind Rises), which has been attracting attention, is modeled after a brilliant designer for the Imperial Japanese Navy who was involved in creating Zero fighters used by suicide attack units.

The tainted water, which has leaked into the sea, is said to remain within the port facility of TEPCO’s nuclear plant, but concern about groundless harmful rumors of sea pollution by the water has been spreading, focused on those involved in the fishery industry in Fukushima Prefecture.

The U.S. government froze the assets of four individuals and eight entities that were involved in illicit activities such as money laundering, currency counterfeiting and narcotics trafficking.

To ensure fair international commercial trade, the law against unfair competition stipulates that both individuals involved in bribery and the corporations they belong to should be punished.

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