
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説


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According to the Japanese Bankers Association’s investigation, banks in Japan have not committed any misconduct involving the Tokyo interbank offered rate.

As one of a series of incidents involving LDP Diet members under the former Abe administration, Tsukasa Akimoto, a House of Representatives member, was indicted on bribery charges in connection with a project for an integrated resort with a casino.

As regards technical intern trainees, there has been a succession of cases involving the disappearance of intern trainees who owe brokers large debts.

A subcommittee of the Justice Ministry’s Legislative Council is studying the reform of the criminal justice system following a series of scandals involving prosecutors.

Based on a whistleblower report, Nissan has been conducting an internal investigation over the past several months regarding misconduct involving Carlos Ghosn and Representative Director Greg Kelly.

Bitcoin, an online currency, is illegal in Thailand and financial services involving bitcoin are banned in China, but the virtual currency has been spreading around the world online.

Concerns over the safety of Chinese food products are rising in Japan, but the percentage of safety violations involving food imports from China fell below the overall average for all imported foods in fiscal 2012.

Following the indictment of high-ranking FIFA officials and others by the U.S. Justice Department, Swiss authorities have also launched criminal proceedings into suspected irregularities involving the processes for selecting the host venue of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup tournaments.

For contracts involving certain technologies, profits and revenues are deferred until technological feasibility is established.

Foreign Minister Koichiro Genba proposed creating a framework for dialogue involving Tokyo, Washington and Beijing in his meeting with U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

In his first policy speech, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama apologized again over a funding scandal involving his political fund management organization.

In the aftermath of the 1995 Great Hanshin Earthquake and the 2007 Niigata Prefecture Chuetsu Offshore Earthquake, a series of fraud cases involving donations occurred.

In the case involving the poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza dumplings which came to light in 2008, a Chinese defendant, a temporary worker at the manufacturer of frozen gyoza, has been sentenced to life imprisonment.

In the face of the Black Monday stock crisis in 1987 and the financial crisis involving major hedge funds in 1998, the U.S. Federal Reserve Board prevented the U.S. economy from falling into catastrophe by supplying a large amount of funds into financial markets.

In the incident involving a freight train derailment in September in 2013, falsified data was reported to the Japan Transport Safety Board by JR Hokkaido.

Japan’s FX reserves have also been used to expand the financial base of the Chiang Mai Initiative, a multinational currency swap arrangement involving Japan, China and South Korea plus the ASEAN.

JR Hokkaido should take to heart the orders issued by the transport ministry over a series of scandals involving the company, which included the falsification of track inspection data, and go back to the basics of “safety first.”

On the Aizu Longitudinal North Expressway in Kitakata, several chain collisions involving 70 vehicles occurred and four people were slightly injured.

The alleged public fund graft involving Spain’s Princess Cristina, the king’s second daughter, and her husband Iñaki Urdangarin have eaten away at Spaniards’ admiration for their royal family.

The Fair Trade Commission’s planned order for construction firms to stop bid-rigging on public works projects represents an effort to reform the long-existing corrupt practice involving the city government.

The Financial Services Agency will tighten regulations over insider trading, following a series of illegal trading incidents involving the leakage of companies’ internal information by major securities firms.

The former head of the Murakami Fund has been arrested on suspicion of insider trading involving Nippon Broadcasting System Inc. shares.

The House impeachment resolution says that Trump abused his power and that he obstructed Congress, in connection with allegations involving Ukraine.

The incident involving the food poisoning of Chinese frozen gyoza resulted from the deliberate injection of a toxic substance into the gyoza at the Chinese factory.

The latest public outcry over scandals involving bureaucrats is far from unprecedented.

The slew of government snarl-ups involving the child allowance issue show the fact that the government is devoid of any solid child policy package.

To resolve the current state of affairs involving temporary employees, boosting the job status of temp workers should be given top priority.

Wiretapping is allowed for certain crimes such as those involving drugs and firearms under the current law.

Your Party leader Yoshimi Watanabe will step down as president of the party in the midst of a scandal involving ¥800 million in loans from DHC Corp. Chairman Yoshiaki Yoshida. But he said he wouldn’t resign as a Diet member.

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