
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

issue a ruling

判決を下す[出す] 裁決を出す[下す] 決定する 判断を示す 判例を示す

issue a rulingの関連語句

issue a rulingの用例

According to a ruling handed down by the Supreme Court’s Grand Bench, the Civil Code provision stipulating that a married couple should use the same surname, banning their use of separate surnames, is constitutional.

According to a 7-2 ruling issued by the U.S. Supreme Court on July 9, 2020, a New York prosecutor can obtain U.S. President Donald Trump’s financial records including tax returns.

According to the ruling of the International Court of Justice, Kosovo’s unilateral secession from Serbia in February 2008 did not violate the international law.

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling, a provision in the Civil Code, which stipulates the share of inheritance given to a child born out of wedlock shall be half the amount given to a child born in wedlock, is unconstitutional.

A high court ruling sentenced the corporate manager to two years and six months in prison.

A Permanent Court of Arbitration’s ruling in 2016 dismissed China’s claim that its sovereignty covers almost the entire area of the South China Sea.

A ruling which the Supreme Court has issued in a case filed by three people living in South Korea who were seeking to have medical costs covered under the Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Assistance Law is an appropriate judicial judgment that is consistent with the spirit of the law.

Following a ruling by the Osaka High Court, an Osaka couple jailed for life over a 1995 arson and murder have been granted a retrial.

In the United States, a provisional ruling on dumping is usually issued about six months after launching antidumping probes.

It is very difficult to hand down guilty rulings on cases lacking a defendant’s confession or direct evidence.

Japan will abide by the ruling of the ICJ as a nation that attaches great importance to the rule of law, the director of the International Affairs Division at the Fisheries Agency said about Japan’s research whaling.

Lack of opportunity to thoroughly discuss cases among judges at district courts without using a council system, will lead to dogmatic rulings.

Limits on independent spending by corporations and unions were lifted by the 2010 ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Prosecutors appealed the ruling and demanded the court allow them to detain the Nepalese man to prevent his deportation to Nepal.

The court ruling said that part of the profits made by the winning bidders was used for election campaign funds.

The high court ruling can be a good reference for drawing conclusions from circumstantial evidence.

The Osaka High Court had no other option than handing down a not-guilty ruling as there was no evidence pointing to the defendant as the real culprit in a May 2008 murder.

The plaintiffs have yet to decide whether to appeal the latest ruling of the Tokyo High Court.

The rulings of the Tokyo District Court have been passed down on the two former secretaries of former Economy, Trade and Industry Minister Yuko Obuchi.

The Seoul Central District Court handed down a not-guilty ruling on the former Seoul bureau chief of The Sankei Shimbun who had been accused of the alleged defamation of South Korean President Park Geun-hye in an online article.

The Supreme Court has rejected the appeal by a corporate manager against a high court ruling.

The Tokyo District Court handed down a not-guilty ruling to a Nepalese man.

The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling that same-sex marriage is legal is a victory for gay couples who have long fought for equal treatment under the law.

The worship of money was censured by the high court ruling.

Upholding a ruling by the Yokohama District Court, the Tokyo High Court handed down a decision ordering a halt to late-night and early-morning flights by MSDF aircraft at Atsugi Air Base in Kanagawa Prefecture.

issue a ruling

判決を下す[出す] 裁決を出す[下す] 決定する 判断を示す 判例を示す

issue a rulingの関連語句

issue a rulingの用例

According to a 7-2 ruling issued by the U.S. Supreme Court on July 9, 2020, a New York prosecutor can obtain U.S. President Donald Trump’s financial records including tax returns.

A ruling which the Supreme Court has issued in a case filed by three people living in South Korea who were seeking to have medical costs covered under the Atomic Bomb Survivors’ Assistance Law is an appropriate judicial judgment that is consistent with the spirit of the law.

In the United States, a provisional ruling on dumping is usually issued about six months after launching antidumping probes.

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