
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

joint statement

共同声明 共同文書 (=joint communique;⇒G20 [G-20], trade imbalance)

joint statementの用例

A joint statement adopted in the meeting of G-20 financial chiefs called for strengthening the international supervisory framework for financial institutions.

Global economic risk has been mitigated, but downside risk remains high, according to the G-20’s joint statement.

In a joint statement following the Japan-U.S. summit meeting in Washington, the two leaders of Suga and Biden said that they “underscore the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and encourage the peaceful resolution of cross-Strait issues.”

In a joint statement released after the two-day APEC Summit in Beijing, the leaders of the 21 APEC member economies said that they would aim to realize a Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTTAP) at the earliest possible time.

In view of China’s repeated unilateral provocations in the East China Sea that includes the Senkakus, the joint statement will state that Japan and the United States stress the importance of maritime order based on respect for the principles of international law.

Japan and India issued a joint statement focusing on the promotion of the “free and open Indo-Pacific” initiative which has been led by Japan and the United States.

Japan was pressed to come up with a credible medium-term fiscal plan in a joint statement at the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 major economies in April 2013.

Keeping in mind transactions with China, which has yet to liberalize the yuan’s exchange rate completely, G-20 participants included in the joint statement the necessity of swiftly shifting to exchange rate system determined by market.

The G-20 participants’ agreement to avoid competitive devaluation of their currencies was included in the joint statement.

The Group of 20 economies wrapped up a two-day meeting with a joint statement strongly warning against currency wars.

The joint statement issued after a summit meeting between Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Barack Obama is also expected to incorporate wording in which the United States commends Japan’s establishment of the National Security Council.

The joint statement of financial ministers and central bank chiefs of the Group of 20 economies did not single out Japan for its monetary and fiscal policies.

The joint statement pointed out the necessity for economic stimulus through increased public spending.

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