
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

judgment [judgement]

(名)判断 判定 判決 裁判 審判 意見 考え 見解 見識 思慮分別 判断力 非難 批判 天罰 神罰 報い

judgment [judgement]の関連語句

judgment [judgement]の用例

In the French presidential election, the judgment voters hand down will have a very grave import on whether the eurozone crisis can be contained.

It may cast doubt on the fairness of the court’s judgment.

Judges can’t make correct judgments if evidence in defense of a defendant isn’t disclosed in court.

NIE programs’ main aim is to help schoolchildren improve their reading comprehension abilities and cultivate their abilities to think and make judgments to solve problems.

Parliamentary requirements for initiating constitutional revisions should be relaxed to make it easier for the people, with whom sovereign power resides, have the opportunity to take part in constitutional judgments through national referendums.

The government will make final judgments whether to go ahead with the commercial production of methane hydrate and seafloor hydrothermal deposits in fiscal 2018, based on the results of test drilling and investigation of the resources.

The Japanese government responded to this illegal landing on the Senkaku Islands strictly and fairly based on domestic laws, instead of making emotional judgments.

The Nagasaki Family Court decided to send a 16-year-old girl who killed a female classmate to a juvenile medical reformatory, based on the court’s judgment that criminal punishment would do her more harm than good.

Voters have passed a stinging judgment on the Democratic Party of Japan in the upper house election.

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