
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

juvenile law

少年法 (⇒juvenile crime)

juvenile lawの用例

As a negative aspect to lowering the upper limit on the age at which minors are subject to the Juvenile Law, from “under 20” to “under 18,” it could be that those aged 18-19 would not be given educative treatment based on the Juvenile Law.

At a Cabinet meeting, the government adopted a bill to revise the juvenile law to toughen criminal penalties for minors.

Currently, minors aged 18-19 can be sentenced to death under the Juvenile Law in Japan.

The revised Public Offices Election Law to lower the voting age from 20 to 18 includes a stipulation in a supplementary provision that necessary legislative measures should be taken by reviewing the Civil Code and the Juvenile Law.

Under the stipulation of the current juvenile law, those aged under 18 who commit serious crimes that would draw a life sentence if committed by an adult should be sentenced to a maximum sentence of 15 years.

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