
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

known as

〜として(広く)知られる 〜という名で知られている 〜と呼ばれる

known asの関連語句

known asの用例

After the Islamic militants known as ISIS advanced across northern Iraq and Iraqi security forces melted away, Kurdish fighters seized full control of the regional oil hub.

As a serious environmental pollution in Beijing, the concentration of particulate matter 2.5 micrometers in diameter or less, known as PM2.5 and found per cubic meter in smoke from factories and exhaust gas from automobiles, briefly rose to nearly 40 times the safe limit in the guideline set by the World Health Organization.

At a summit of EU leaders in Brussels on January 30, 2012, the new EU treaty known as the fiscal compact was agreed.

Following the discovery of frozen food products tainted with a pesticide known as malathion, Maruha Nichiro Holdings Inc. announced a voluntary recall of the products made by its subsidiary Aqli Foods.

“Hachiju hachiya” refers to the eighty-eighth day usually from February 4, the beginning of spring in Japan, and it is known as the best time for tealeaf picking.

High-yielding wealth management products are known as the Chinese version of U.S. subprime loan-based securities.

Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), an exchange that deals in investing contracts known as futures, is buying the NYSE for about $8 billion.

Job-hopping part-timers are known as freeters.

Mother Teresa known as the “saint of the gutters” is expected to be canonized.

North Korea has moved a missile known as the Musudan, which has a range of 3,000 kilometers, to its east coast.

The Arab Spring, which is also known as the Arab Revolution, refers to the revolutionary wave of demonstrations and protests that occurred in the Arab world from 2010 to 2011.

The business strategy known as “selection and concentration” refers to jettisoning loss-making departments of a company and identifying its pillar of profit generation.

The former secretary general of the Tokushukai medical group is known as “a man who knows the group like the back of his hand.”

The modus operandi of the cybercrime group known as DarkSide is to infiltrate a targeted large company with ransomware that encrypts data, demanding a ransom in exchange for restoring access to the data.

This approach shown in the Fifth Basic Plan for Immigration Control, known as shoreline operations, is intended to keep terrorists at bay.

U.S. IT giants known as GAFA, including Google LLC and Inc., boasts sales ranging from ¥6 trillion to ¥28 trillion per company.

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