英和 用語・用例辞典の解説
lead up to
〜を引き起こす 〜を招く 〜するに至る 〜へ通じる 〜につながる 〜の糸口となる 結局〜となる 〜の用意[準備]をする 〜に話[話題]を向ける 〜に徐々に話を持っていく ひそかに狙う (期間が)〜に先立つ (lead-up to=下準備、準備)
lead up toの関連語句
lead up toの用例
After the U.S. House of Representatives, in which Democrats hold a majority, has voted to impeach U.S. President Donald Trump, political jousting will intensify further in the lead-up to November 2020’s presidential election.
Goldman Sachs was subpoenaed over its activities leading up to the financial crisis.
It’s a sense of crisis over the growing influence of U.S. and Chinese IT giants that led up to the merger of Yahoo Japan Corp. and Line Corp.
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