
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

less than

〜より少ない 〜未満 〜を下回る まったく〜ではない 〜とは程遠い 〜足らず

less thanの関連語句

less thanの用例

Abe advertised Japan at the New York Stock Exchange by explaining that introduction of a high-speed railway system using Japan’s superconducting magnetic levitation technology could connect New York and Washington in less than an hour.

A regional jet seating less than100 passengers is fit for flying between a hub airport and local airports.

Chinese intelligence agents are paid less than ¥10,000 in principle when they contact a high-profile figure overseas.

Due to the effects of low growth rate of the European economy and the strong euro, the increase rates of commodity prices in the eurozone have been at less than 1 percent for eight straight months, far lower than the target of near 2 percent.

Households with an annual income of less than ¥4 million account for nearly half of the national total.

In Southeast Asia characterized by diversity, per capita income in Singapore now exceeds $50,000, more than 50 times that for Cambodia and Myanmar with less than $1,000 a year.

Listed companies involved in individual-oriented businesses like retail or services may decide to carry out stock splits after domestic bourses urged listed companies to reduce the minimum amount needed to buy stock to less than ¥500,000.

Next generation 4K televisions feature high resolution image quality with about 4,000 horizontal pixels, while ordinary high-vision TVs have less than 2,000 horizontal pixels.

Nominal growth in GDP has been less than real growth for three quarters.

The life-size cabin mock-up of the MRJ now being developed by Mitsubishi Aircraft Corp. measures less than 3 meters in diameter and its passenger seats and overhead bins are all life-size.

The outstanding balance of the combined long-term debts of the Japanese central and local governments stands at slightly less than ¥1 quadrillion, twice the size of the nation’s GDP.

Under the rezoning of evacuation areas, areas where the accumulated radiation exposure is less than 20 millisieverts per year would be designated “zones being prepared for residents’ return.”

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