
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

lift the [a] ban on

〜の[〜に対する]規制を解除する 〜に対する禁止令を解く 〜を解禁とする

lift the [a] ban onの用例

As deregulation, the Abe administration’s growth strategy includes a plan to lift a ban on the online sales of nonprescription drugs.

If effective measures to prevent the Internet from distorting fair elections and having an adverse impact on their outcome are not implemented, the ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns might be partially lifted.

In the Abe administration’s growth strategy, drastic agricultural reform, including lifting the ban on the possession of farmlands by corporations, was shelved.

The Japan Student Baseball Charter created in 1946 was extensively revised in 2010, and the ban on interactions between pros and amateurs was lifted in principle.

With the aim of lifting a ban on the use of the Internet in election campaigns for this summer’s upper house election, the LDP has compiled a bill to revise the Public Offices Election Law.

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