
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

loan loss reserves

貸倒れ引当金 貸倒れ準備金 (=loan loss provisions, reserves for bad loans, reserves for loan losses, reserves for possible loan losses:「貸倒れ引当金」は、融資などの債権から担保などを差し引いた金額に対して、貸出先企業が倒産して回収できない確率を考慮して積み立てる。経営状況が悪い企業向けの債権ほど、引当率は高くなる)

loan loss reservesの関連語句

loan loss reservesの用例

A large amount of credit cannot be removed from the balance sheets of banks even though loan-loss reserves have been set aside.

If this U.S.-style discount cash flow system is adopted, major banks will be forced to drastically increase their loan loss reserves.

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