
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

local election


local electionの関連語句

local electionの用例

Abe administration will accelerate efforts to address such key political tasks as resuscitating the economy and revitalizing regional economies on the strength of a big win in the unified local elections.

In the gubernatorial races held in Hokkaido and Oita as part of the unified local elections, which drew strong attention as they were head-on contests between the ruling camp and the opposition bloc, the ruling camp-backed incumbents were reelected to their fourth terms.

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s power base has been further consolidated due to the great victory of the ruling camp in the first round of the nationwide series of local elections.

The Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry will admit the use of commercially available tablets and personal computers for e-voting in local elections.

With an aim to realize the Osaka metropolis plan, Osaka Mayor Hashimoto will focus on unified local elections scheduled for April 2015.

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