
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

local government-run universities


local government-run universitiesの関連語句

local government-run universitiesの用例

A bill to allow local governments to collect admission fees from visitors to designated natural assets zones will be submitted to the current Diet session in the form of legislation drafted by Diet members.

An earthquake disaster simulation exercise was conducted by the Sendai-based general headquarters of the GSDF’s North Eastern Army and other organizations in charge of disaster management, including local governments, police and fire stations.

As of November 2013, babies and infants whose whereabouts were unknown to local governments came to more than 4,000 nationwide.

Before implementing the new ceilings on radioactive cesium in food, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry is set to seek understanding and cooperation from local governments and industries concerned about toughening the limits.

Currently, local governments are obliged to pay part of the costs for public works projects conducted by the central government.

Decentralizing power from the central government to local governments would be imperative to revitalize regional economies.

Due to the postponement of local allocation tax grants, local financial institutions moved to secure funds from the market as they could not obtain the deposits they hoped to gain from the local governments to which tax grants are allocated.

If the daily average amount of PM 2.5 exceeds 70 micrograms per cubic meter, Japan’s local governments issue alerts to the public.

In light of the threat of rubella spreading rapidly, the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry sent a notice to local governments across the country to call on men with pregnant wives to get vaccinated against the disease.

In reactivating idle nuclear reactors to realize a stable supply of electricity after their safety is confirmed, the government should take the initiative to explain the necessity of its policy to local government hosting nuclear power plants.

In response to the rapid increase in the number of COVID-19 infections, local governments under the state of emergency have requested restaurants to shorten their business hours and close by 8 p.m.

In the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, resident cards and clinical records were lost after local government offices and hospitals were damaged, which hampered work to rescue disaster victims.

Local governments are to get cracking on compiling their own disaster management plans after the release of the Nuclear Regulation Authority’s disaster countermeasures guidelines.

Local governments have designated facilities for the elderly and disabled people who need nursing care as welfare shelters, but few facilities have the surplus capacity to accept evacuees in addition to the residents already there.

Local governments have stymied the central government’s efforts to improve its primary balance.

Making the necessary legal arrangements so that local governments can choose autonomous systems appropriate to their conditions is consistent with the aim of decentralization.

Shigeru Ishiba, state minister in charge of revitalization of local economies, called on other Cabinet members concerned to exert their leadership in bringing to fruition the local governments’ demands for power transfer to the greatest possible extent.

The issue of reactivating the two suspended reactors at the Oi nuclear power plant depends on the will of local governments around the plant.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報

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