
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

low-income earners

低所得者 低所得者層

low-income earnersの用例

By emphasizing the correction of income disparities, the U.S. Democratic Party has staked out a position that will not cut federal spending for the underprivileged, including low-income earners and senior citizens.

In his State of the Union address delivered on January 28, 2014, Obama proposed minimum wage hikes in consideration of low-income earners who have not yet benefited from the economic recovery, while referring to the expansion of job opportunities with the TPP free trade agreement and immigration reform.

The burden of low-income earners will become larger if the consumption tax rate is raised.

The DPJ executives added the creation of a tax credit system, including tax breaks and cash benefits, to the bills to raise the consumption tax rate as relief measures for low-income earners.

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