
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

low-lying coastal countries


low-lying coastal countriesの関連語句

low-lying coastal countriesの用例

As for greenhouse gas emissions reduction target by the end of 2020, which drew criticism from other countries as being too low, the Japanese government needs to work out a basic energy plan that specifies a future ratio of nuclear power generation and to make steady progress in setting a realistic target for the years beyond 2020.

As for vegetables, the ratio of domestic produce is high in Japan, but it does not help much in improving the self-sufficiency ratio as their calories are low under the measurement of the food self-sufficiency ratio based on a calorie basis.

Bitcoin, which has attracted great attention as it can be remitted at low fees, is a virtual currency circulated only on the Internet.

Businesses are wary of too-low yen as it would raise the costs of crude oil and liquefied natural gas.

Core private-sector machinery orders amounted to ¥718.3 billion in January, the lowest since May 1987 when it was ¥695.5 billion.

Demand for automobiles is expected to remain low for a long time due to the global financial crisis.

In spite of Fed Chairman Bernanke’s bold remarks, stock prices in New York tumbled with the Dow Jones industrial average closing at more than 200 points lower than the previous day.

In the case of the U.S. Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey, the rate of its serious accidents resulting in death or damage of $2 million or more is 1.93 per 100,000 flight hours, lower than the average rate of 2.45 for all marine corps aircraft.

Intractable diseases generally refer to those for which treatment has not yet been established due to a low number of cases.

Japan scored low in new sovereign debt ratings by Germany’s Bertelsmann Foundation.

Japan’s current account surplus in the first half of 2012 plummeted 45 percent from a year before to about ¥3.03 trillion, the lowest level in any first-half period since comparable data became available in 1985.

STAP cells, which can be more easily and more efficiently produced than iPS cells, are considered to be at a lower risk of becoming cancerous than iPS cells.

The company’s operating profit from cell phone and digital camera operations is expected to be ¥20 billion lower than its initial projection.

The existing pension system is in a critical situation, but the Liberal Democratic Party stresses the need to increase benefits from welfare programs for senior citizens receiving low pensions.

The risk of developing cancer is considered very low if the annual radiation exposure is below the level of 20 millisieverts.

To keep value-added taxes low on newspapers and books, some European countries have adopted reduced tax rate systems.

To make the issuance of new government bonds appear low, the government took such a tricky move as issuing special bonds.

Working conditions of taxi drivers must be urgently improved as their work hours are significantly longer and their wages are lower compared to workers in other industries.

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