lower house election

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

lower house election

衆議院選挙 衆院選挙 衆院選 (=the House of Representatives election;⇒minimum wage, tenure)

lower house electionの関連語句

lower house electionの用例

According to a Yomiuri Shimbun tally, the DPJ has decided on 177 candidates for the lower house election on December 14, 2014 as of November 27.

A record 1,504 candidates will run in the lower house election.

Conquering deflation will be a campaign issue for the looming lower house election.

Following the lower house election, the LDP’s Youth Division headed by Shinjiro Koizumi has nearly quadrupled from 21 to 82 members.

If the Komeito and the LDP agree to form a coalition government after the lower house election, the former may put a leash on LDP President Abe by including a clause of requiring the LDP not to deviate from the conventional government view on security as his policies tend to lean strongly to the right.

In the upcoming lower house election, the Liberal Democratic Party which aims to regain power could win more than a working majority of seats.

Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan restoration group) has the goal of fielding about 350 candidates nationwide in the next lower house election and will begin recruiting soon.

The latest lower house election outcome which brought the change of government seems to reflect voter’s desire to see politicians get their act together.

The Liberal Democratic Party must not be bigheaded about its victory in the lower house election.

The secretaries general of the ruling and opposition parties failed to reach an agreement on the reform of the lower house electoral system.

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