
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

main pillar

主な柱 大きな柱 柱 最大のポイント 主要点 (⇒a major pillar)

main pillarの用例

The government should revise the Agricultural Cooperatives Law to clearly dismantle the three main pillars of JA Zenchu’s authority to conduct audits, issue management guidance and collect money, which form the foundation of JA Zenchu’s power.

The government submitted a bill to revise the special measures law to cope with new strains of influenza to the ordinary Diet session, the main pillar of which is the introduction of penalties on restaurants.

main pillar

大黒柱 主柱

main pillarの用例

The company plans to raise daily output of its self-produced crude oil to 400,000 bpd so that its upstream business, which has been lagging its downstream side, will emerge as a main pillar of revenue.

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