
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

major economy

主要国(major country) 経済大国 (=major economic power)

major economyの用例

As things stand, the effective corporate tax rate, which is the ratio of corporations’ national and local tax payments to their taxable income, is higher than those levied in other major economies.

Japan was pressed to come up with a credible medium-term fiscal plan in a joint statement at the meeting of finance ministers and central bank governors from the Group of 20 major economies in April 2013.

The Financial Stability Board set up by the Group of 20 major economies (G20) unveiled a list of 28 global systematically important banks including the three Japanese megabanks of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group Inc., Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group Inc. and Mizuho Financial Group Inc.

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