
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

market needs

市場の需要 市場のニーズ (⇒policy)

market needsの関連語句

market needsの用例

Airlines need to develop cabin services that better meet the needs of passengers.

At that time, U.S. steel production could not meet the growing needs of domestic carmakers.

It would be a stretch to say that universities now adequately meet the need to develop talented human resources capable of performing admirably on the international stage and in local communities.

Large firms such as trading and steel companies are taking out short-term loans to meet working capital needs.

Other initiatives, like flexible work schedules, telecommuting and job-sharing, meet the diverse needs of individuals and the company.

The existing pension system is in a critical situation, but the Liberal Democratic Party stresses the need to increase benefits from welfare programs for senior citizens receiving low pensions.

The Fiscal System Council’s report released on May 27, 2013 emphasized the need for curbing social welfare expenditures and a growth strategy aimed at increasing tax revenues.

The keys to the revival of Japanese manufacturers are to discern the needs of emerging markets with strong growth potential and to develop strategically important products through originality and ingenuity.

The key to the success of a business hinges on how well it can cultivate a new market by capturing consumer needs before anyone else to develop competitive products.

The use of chemical weapons in Syria has underlined the need to enhance the efforts to do away with the weapons.

The U.S. government’s benign neglect apparently reflects its belief in the need to avoid a financial burden due to an easy rescue effort.

We cannot dispel our doubts over the need to accelerate these construction projects amid the government’s parlous financial condition.

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