
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

market turmoil

市場の混乱 市場の動揺

market turmoilの関連語句

market turmoilの用例

Amid prolonged political turmoil, Thailand’s military has staged a coup and the military has taken full control of the country.

As concerns over erratic fluctuations in stock prices and foreign exchange rates in the world’s markets are likely to persist, it will be necessary for the Fed to steer its monetary policy for preventing market turmoil.

As negotiations to form a coalition government fell apart after a general election, the political turmoil in Greece has deepened.

Due to Greek political turmoil and the Spanish bank problem, risk-averse sentiment is prevailing in the overall foreign exchange market.

Due to the turmoil that followed the regime change, Egypt’s external balance of payments deteriorated and foreign reserves dropped sharply.

Finance ministers of the ASEAN plus Three hailed the launch of a regional economic research and surveillance body aimed at preventing financial turmoil.

Global turmoil in the financial markets results from the downgrading of the U.S. credit rating.

In sync with the perked up U.S. economy and growing turmoil among Republicans battling for the presidential nomination, Obama’s approval rate is rising.

Japanese financial institutions have been asked to invest in overseas financial firms amid the financial turmoil triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis.

Japan’s six major banking groups saw a combined loss of about ¥990 billion in their stock investments in the nine months through December amid the global financial turmoil.

Overreacting of the government and the BOJ to market trends could cause declines in confidence in their policies, and threaten market turmoil.

The protests calling for the resignation of Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan have brought turmoil to Turkey, leaving several people dead.

To survive the current business turmoil, department stores must alter their management styles to ensure steady profits, even in the face of falling sales.

Upward pressure on global oil prices is feared due to increased tensions in the Middle East and political turmoil in Venezuela.

market turmoil

市場の動揺 市場の混乱

market turmoilの用例

Overreacting of the government and the BOJ to market trends could cause declines in confidence in their policies, and threaten market turmoil.

The nation’s economy has regained enough of its vitality to tolerate the possible market turmoil that a tighter-money policy could trigger.

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