
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

maximum limits

発行枠 発行限度 最高限度 最高限度額

maximum limitsの関連語句

maximum limitsの用例

According to the Supreme Court’s ruling in 2014, the upper house election in 2013, in which the maximum disparity between the value of votes was 4.77-to-1, was in a state of unconstitutionality.

The bill to revise the juvenile law calls for lifting the maximum term from 10 years to 15 years for indeterminate sentences for juvenile crimes.

The entire government intends to make maximum efforts to reactivate idle nuclear reactors after their safety is confirmed.

The government should clarify to the nation what the maximum permissible dosage of radiation in everyday life is in scientific and empirical terms.

The number of people who can be tested for the new coronavirus through a PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test is currently limited to a maximum of 9,000 people a day in Japan.

The Okayama branch of the Hiroshima High Court ruled that the House of Councilors election in July 2013 was “unconstitutional” as the maximum disparity between the value of votes was 4.77-to-1.

The use of dispatched workers was limited to a maximum of three years to protect regular employees’ jobs before the revised worker dispatched law. But the revised law allows companies to extend the use of temporary workers in all job categories following talks with labor unions and other parties.

The U.S. Marine Corps’ MV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft boasts high capabilities in terms of maximum speed and flight range.

Under the stipulation of the current juvenile law, those aged under 18 who commit serious crimes that would draw a life sentence if committed by an adult should be sentenced to a maximum sentence of 15 years.

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