
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

medical institution

医療機関 医療施設 病院 (⇒medical information)

medical institutionの用例

A major bone of contention in the trial of the lung cancer drug Iressa case was whether the importer and seller’s provision of information on Iressa’s side effects to medical institutions was sufficient.

As an important issue in the upcoming upper house election, the LDP unveiled policies to promote wider use of cheap generic drugs and prevent people from receiving treatment at more than one medical institution for the same disease.

Before the winter season, we must prevent the resurgence of the new coronavirus and the spread of influenza and avoid confusion on the front line of medical institutions.

Elderly people who are 75 and older with a certain level of income will bear a heavier burden in fees paid at medical institutions.

Patients are entitled to refunds if their payments to hospitals and other medical institutions exceed certain levels.

The noninvasive prenatal genetic test introduced at 23 medical institutions recognized by the Japanese Association of Medical Sciences has been especially sought by women who became pregnant at a later age.

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