mergers and acquisitions

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

mergers and acquisitions

企業の合併・買収 M&A (=merger and acquisition;⇒prospective)

mergers and acquisitionsの用例

Amid the economic slowdown, many major U.S. companies have been forced to review their strategies after the mergers and acquisitions they pursued failed to produce the expected synergy effect.

Hostile mergers and acquisitions have been increasing rapidly as the dissolution of cross-shareholding ties among companies accelerates.

In hostile mergers and acquisitions, a company’s stock is acquired despite the opposition of the management.

Suntory Holdings Ltd. Is expected to use about ¥500 billion in estimated proceeds from the listing of its beverage and food unit to finance mergers and acquisitions abroad.

The acquisition of Australian major logistics player Toll Holdings by Japan Post Holdings Co. will be the second-largest deal after Suntory Holdings Ltd.’s purchase of large U.S. spirits maker Beam Inc. for about ¥1.7 trillion in 2014, among mergers and acquisitions of foreign firms by Japanese businesses in recent years.

The two prospective partners have extensive expertise in mergers and acquisitions, as well as the securitization of bad loans.

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