
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

merit- and achievement-based system


merit- and achievement-based systemの関連語句

merit- and achievement-based systemの用例

According to the bill, a newly established cabinet personnel affairs bureau will have jurisdiction over the management of the class-based quota at the National Personnel Authority and the management of the structure and number of officials at the Internal Affairs and Communications Ministry.

An earthquake disaster simulation exercise was conducted by the Sendai-based general headquarters of the GSDF’s North Eastern Army and other organizations in charge of disaster management, including local governments, police and fire stations.

An MSDF ship-based helicopter flying over the East China Sea was targeted by a Chinese Navy vessel with fire-control radar on Jan.19, 2013.

An R&D team which made a manned suborbital spaceflight in 2004 was provided a huge prize by the X Prize Foundation, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit organization that supports technological development through public competitions.

GM’s current $1.500 per worker health care expense puts the company at a significant disadvantage versus foreign-based competitors.

High-yielding wealth management products are known as the Chinese version of U.S. subprime loan-based securities.

In the Italian general election of February 2013, the Five Star Movement (M5S) headed by popular comedian Beppe Grillo staged an Internet-based election campaign to rail against the political corruption of the traditional parties and it became the second-largest party in terms of the number of votes obtained.

Japan must utilize the Russian leadership change to advance the northern territories issue and move forward in its resources-based diplomacy.

The company plans to focus more on merger and acquisition-based business expansion if it fails to reach the target of its medium-term business plan.

The Manila-based ADB cut most of its 2012 and 2013 growth estimates for developing Asia due to a slump in global demand.

Universities are recommended by the Central Council for Education to increase interactive, discussion-based classes rather than having one-way lectures in large classrooms.

When Sony released its WEGA series of CRT-based flat screen TVs in 1996, television sets became Sony’s largest moneymaker as they saw massive international sales.

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