
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

monetary easing measure


monetary easing measureの用例

According to the BOJ’s Policy Board decision, funding for the purchase of government bonds and other assets will be increased to ¥80 trillion from ¥70 trillion as an additional monetary-easing measure.

According to the Liberal Democratic Party’s platform, an LDP administration will overcome deflation by implementing bold monetary easing measures.

Assets to be purchased by the BOJ as its additional monetary easing measure include ¥5 trillion in short-term government bonds and ¥5trillion long-term bonds.

At its policy meeting held on April 4, 2013, the BOJ decided to carry out new quantitative and qualitative monetary easing measures, including the doubling of the amount of money in circulation in two years.

Flexible market intervention depending on market trends and bold additional monetary easing measures are required to prevent the yen from becoming even stronger and to underpin business activity.

In light of complaints from emerging economies that a glut of speculative funds due to monetary easing measures taken by advanced countries have caused the appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation, the G-20 participants agreed that they will monitor and minimize the negative ripple effects of their respective financial policies.

It is the first quantitative monetary easing measure to be taken by the BOJ since March 2006.

LDP President Shinzo Abe said at a lecture meeting in Kumamoto that he would ask the Bank of Japan to conduct unlimited monetary easing measures If his party comes to power.

Stock prices rose and the yen fell as markets reacted positively to LDP President Shinzo Abe’s recent remarks on the central bank’s unlimited monetary easing measures.

The BOJ announced more drastic monetary easing measures than market players had anticipated at its Policy Board meeting.

The BOJ implemented monetary easing measures called a comprehensive monetary easing policy under Shirakawa’s governorship.

The BOJ’s monetary easing measures aimed at lifting prices by 1 percent annually have produced few tangible results.

The LDP plans to overcome deflation by implementing bold monetary easing measures and to correct the hyper-appreciation of the yen.

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