
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

money-losing operation

赤字の事業 不採算事業 (⇒jettison)

money-losing operationの関連語句

money-losing operationの用例

According to investigative sources, Mt. Gox, a company which conducted transaction in the bitcoin virtual currency, might have diverted ¥1.1 billion of its clients’ money for its own business without clients’ knowledge.

Addictive pastime such as public lotteries, private casino and Powerball has been generating large amounts of money via the Internet.

Cool money flew away from low-interest America toward the higher interest euro-zone.

Erratic fluctuations of both stock prices and exchange rates have continued, reflecting the turbulent moves of speculative money on world markets.

Great rotation refers to the shift of investment money from low-risk assets such as U.S. Treasuries and the yen into riskier assets such as stocks.

If it becomes easier for companies to borrow money from financial institutions, it is expected that companies will be willing to increase manufacturing sites to make new products.

In 46 corporate pension funds that entrusted money to AIJ, retired bureaucrats of the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry and the Social Insurance Agency gained executive posts through amakudari.

It is extremely difficult to try to control the global flow of money simply through Japan’s domestic policy measures.

It’s utterly irresponsible to insist on raising medical fees, which will inflate government spending on medical care, without explaining where the money to cover the cost will come from.

Large amounts of money are being spent in legalized gambling in the form of public lotteries or private casinos.

North Korea bridled at South Korean President Lee Myung-bak’s comments that the money spent on the rocket launch could have bought food for the hungry nation.

One of the aims of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer protection Act is to stop bailing out banks with taxpayers’ money.

Outraged with the envisioned taxation on bank deposits as a condition for the financial bailout by the EU and the IMF, Cypriots rushed to banks to withdraw money, which further fueled the chaos in Cyprus.

Regarding the easy-money measure which has been in place since December 2008, the Fed will not lift short-term interest rates from zero until the unemployment rate shrinks to 6.5 percent.

Sepp Blatter was reelected as FIFA chief for a fifth term, but a rash of various troubles and suspicions linked to money have arisen since he took the presidential post in 1998.

Speculative money has poured into emerging economies, causing an appreciation of their currencies and asset inflation because of drastic monetary easing by Japan, the United States and Europe.

The BOJ has traditionally controlled the quantity of money in circulation by guiding interest rate levels. This is based on the idea that there are fewer people who wish to borrow money when interest rates rise, while it will be easier to borrow money if interest rates fall.

The BOJ pours money into the market by purchasing financial assets such as government bonds from financial institutions.

The BOJ puts money into circulation through its payments on the purchases of government bonds and other financial assets from financial institutions.

The bullies made the schoolboy shoplift, extorted money from him or forced him to disclose a PIN code for his bank account, which allowed his tormentors to withdraw money.

The company intended to seek returns for the money it gave.

The company introduced a new retirement benefit system in 2014, under which ¥2,750 per month is deducted from each employee’s periodic wage hikes and the money is set aside for additional retirement benefit payments.

The company paid ¥63 million hush money to a construction firm.

The new IC ATM cards of the bank will have advanced functions such as digital money and a point system.

There was a time when the more we exported, the more money we lost, by eroding export profitability due to the excessive rise in the value of the yen.

Tokyo Gov. Naoki Inose tried to fulfill his responsibility to explain the money received from the Tokushukai medical group to the public, but he couldn’t dispel their suspicions.

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