
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

narcotic [narcotics]

(名)麻薬 麻酔 麻酔薬 催眠薬 鎮痛剤 麻薬中毒者 麻薬常用者 (形)麻薬の 麻酔の 催眠性の 眠くなるような

narcotic [narcotics]の関連語句

narcotic [narcotics]の用例

In order to cut off funds to North Korea’s nuclear weapons development program, the government will tighten controls on illegal bilateral transactions, including exports of materials for making missiles and smuggling of narcotics and counterfeit bank notes into the country.

Oxycodone, a medical narcotic prescribed to cancer patients and others, is legal in the US with a prescription, but illegal in Japan.

Quasi-legal drugs which are sold almost openly under such names of “legal herbs” and legal “aroma” are not subject to laws and regulations, but people who use these drugs hallucinate or develop other symptoms similar to those caused by narcotics or stimulant drugs.

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