new National Stadium

英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

new National Stadium


new National Stadiumの用例

Due to the high cost of building the retractable roof and other features of the new National Stadium, the estimated construction costs based on the initial plan skyrocketed to ¥252 billion.

The overall construction cost of the new National Stadium ballooned from the original ¥162.5 billion to ¥252 billion, so the plans for the stadium drew strong protests from the public.

The plans for the new National Stadium, scheduled to be the main venue for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games held in 2020, will be sent back to the drawing board and be reconsidered from scratch.

The plans for the new National Stadium will be reconsidered from square one, including its design and construction cost, to make the 2020 Olympics an event that will be celebrated by all the people.

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