
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

not only [just, merely, simply] A but (also) B

AだけでなくBも(また) (=not A but B)

not only [just, merely, simply] A but (also) Bの用例

About 100 companies are registered with a members-only site operated by a Tokyo company and pay advertising fees ranging from several hundred thousand yen to several million yen to the operating company.

A series of odd incidents which could only occur in live broadcasting happened one after another during the earliest days of television before the emergence of audiovisual recording technology.

As for infrastructure projects, there have been cases in which the only real beneficiaries were construction companies that received orders and powerful people in the recipient countries.

A stock split is a measure designed to enable investors, including those with only limited funds, to invest in a company by reducing the share purchase unit.

At present, the authority of the Palestinian Authority is limited only to the West Bank, with the Gaza Strip remaining under the control of the Islamist organization Hamas.

At the 18th Conference of the Parties to the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP18) held in Doha, only the confrontation between industrialized nations and emerging and developing economies over measures to take for global warming was noteworthy.

Before the bubble collapsed, many pundits had predicted that the likely downturn of the U.S. economy would have only a limited impact on the rest of the world.

Bitcoin, which has attracted great attention as it can be remitted at low fees, is a virtual currency circulated only on the Internet.

Handout policies have only slight economic effect.

In connection with security affairs in the northeastern Asian region, a prolonged feud between both Japan and South Korea over the Takeshima issue will benefit only North Korea.

It’s only a result of leaving things to chance.

Police took action on 68 people, 59 of whom are Chinese, involved in illegal money transfer via the Internet in 2013, including those who only played the role of withdrawing money from ATMs, but no suspected masterminds were arrested.

The Civil Code stipulates that children born out of wedlock are allocated only half of the inheritance of legitimate children.

The deflationary policy, which many policymakers at the time of the Great Depression of 1930s had to adopt under the gold standard regime, only resulted in prolonging the depression.

The LDP has suggested further increase in the budgets for land improvement projects, but it may only end up as a lavish spending spree.

The monetary bases in the United States and the eurozone increased about fivefold and threefold respectively from 2001 to 2013, while Japan’s monetary base increased only twofold.

There was no heat because of the power outage due to the heavy snow, so hotel guests reportedly toughed it out in the cold with only blankets.

The use of force by SDF personnel is currently restricted and SDF members are allowed to use weapons only for purposes such as self-defense.

To correct unfairness in the industry caused by the government’s bailout of JAL, the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ministry will allocate 11 arrival and departure slots for international flights, scheduled to be added to Haneda Airport in late March 2014, to ANA Holdings inc. and only five to Japan Airlines.

We resort to layoffs only after applying a full range of measures: retraining, early retirement plans, special leaves of absence and opening up other jobs through attrition and other means.

not only [just, merely, simply] A but (also) B

AだけでなくBも(また) (=not A but B)

not only [just, merely, simply] A but (also) Bの用例

Comparative advantage in this new global market depends not only on superior R&D, but also on speed in making management decisions, finding unique applications for research advances and delivering them to customers ahead of competitors.

Not only the operators of illegal sites [websites] but also individuals who repeatedly download manga or other contents are subject to criminal punishment under the revised Copyright Law, which went into effect in January 2021.

Reducing the number of hours of overtime may not only help those workers retain their jobs, but also increase job openings.

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