
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

nuclear power

原子力 核エネルギー 原子力発電 原発 核保有国 (=atomic power:⇒N-power)

nuclear powerの関連語句

nuclear powerの用例

According to one government projection, replacing nuclear power with solar and other renewable sources of energy while boosting energy efficiency would cost the nation more than ¥100 trillion.

Every proposal to dump nuclear power generation was voted down at the shareholders meeting of power companies as nuclear power is a fundamental power source for ensuring a stable energy supply.

Four major candidates in the Tokyo gubernatorial election held their first face-to-face debate and discussed issues such as nuclear power and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics during the recording of a program for NTV.

It is difficult to secure an affordable and stable supply of high-quality electricity without relying on nuclear power.

It will be impossible for Japan to advance the nuclear reactor export business if Japan moves toward no nuclear power.

KEPCO was urged to change its management strategy to one based on the assumption that there will be no nuclear power.

The proposal of a LDP’s study panel on nuclear energy policy and supply-demand issues calls for boosting the ratio of key base-load power sources including nuclear and coal-fired thermal power, which can generate electricity on a 24-hour basis, from the current 40 percent to 60 percent.

The United States is the only nuclear power to have used a nuclear weapon.

Until Japan can secure stable alternative power sources, it is desirable to use nuclear power as a key energy source by introducing much safer new types of reactors.

出典 日外アソシエーツ「英和 用語・用例辞典」英和 用語・用例辞典について 情報





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