
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

on one’s own

一人で 一人ぽっちで 独力で 自ら 自前で 抜群で 傑出した 優れた

on one’s ownの関連語句

on one’s ownの用例

Afghan forces will be compelled to battle the insurgency largely on their own after most foreign troops pull out of Afghanistan by the end of 2014.

At the 19th Conference on Climate Change (COP19) in Warsaw, advanced countries, including Japan, called on developing countries to adopt the stance of reducing emissions on their own initiative.

Based on its own assertion which is incompatible with the existing order of international law, China has attempted to change the status quo by force.

Speaking of stealth marketing, consumers should not be deluded by ratings on the Internet, but should foster their ability to make decisions on their own.

Vaccinations at companies and universities have been allowed, but they have to secure on their own the doctors, nurses and other medical personnel to administer vaccines as well as the venues for vaccination.

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