
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

operating expense

営業費用 営業費 経常経費 (=operating cost)

operating expenseの関連語句

operating expenseの用例

According to an Internet survey by Dentsu Inc., nearly 45% of grandparents would like to take advantage of the new special tax exemption system for cash gifts of up to ¥15 million per grandchild for education expenses.

In the society of pre-modern times, public duties had to come first even at the expense of private lives.

The bill to revise the juvenile law calls for providing lawyers at the government’s expense to juvenile offenders charged with theft and other relatively minor crimes to help their rehabilitation.

The Company recognized as expense in 2020 the entire accumulated postretirement benefit obligation as of January 1, 2020.

The government plans to introduce a system to cap each household’s expenses for medical treatment, nursing care and childcare, thereby curbing their co-payments.

To secure a stable revenue source for ever-rising social security expenses on public pension, health care and nursing care programs through the consumption tax hike is the foundation for implementing comprehensive social security and tax reforms.

Under the stipulation of the Health Insurance Law, people aged 70 to 74 must pay 20 percent of their medical expenses when they are treated at a hospital.

operating expense

営業費用 営業費 経常経費 (=operating cost)

operating expenseの用例

Political organizations are required to attach receipts to their funds reports for every operating expense except personnel costs.

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