
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

opposition party

野党 (⇒coalition, opposition Democratic Party)

opposition partyの用例

Budget deliberations were delayed until the new fiscal year due to opposition parties’ resistance and the DPJ’s poor Diet management.

China warned the Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan’s main opposition party, to heed the lessons of the last time it was in power and not push for independence.

Due to objections from the opposition parties, there is no prospect the Diet will pass a bill to enable the government to issue deficit-covering government bonds.

Every opposition party currently is refusing to form a coalition with the Democratic Party of Japan.

If the LDP and New Komeito win a majority of seats in the upper house election, the divided Diet in which opposition parties control the upper house will be ended.

Major opposition parties submitted to the lower house a no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Abe.

Opposition parties have criticized the Hatoyama Cabinet for “taking fiscal policy too lightly.”

Park Geun-hye of the ruling Saenuri Party defeated rival candidate Moon Jae-in of the Democratic United Party, the largest opposition party, in a closely fought South Korea’s presidential election.

Several minor opposition parties have submitted a joint no-confidence motion against the Cabinet of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda to the House of Representatives and a censure motion against Noda to the House of Councilors.

The censure motions against the two Cabinet ministers were submitted jointly by the main opposition parties.

The DPJ and other opposition parties controlled the upper house after a major victory in the 2007 upper house election.

The Kan administration may not be able to cooperate with any opposition party.

The opposition parties began boycotting all deliberations during the current Diet session in both chambers of the legislature.

The tug of war of over educational reform between the ruling coalition and opposition parties appears set to be a highlight of the extraordinary Diet session.

Through negotiations with opposition parties, the government needs to amend the bill on the integration of the corporate employees’ pension program with the mutual-aid pension program.

To settle the issue of electoral reforms for the House of Councilors to rectify vote-value disparities, four opposition parties proposed a reform plan calling for a “plus-10, minus-10” formula that merges less populous prefectural constituencies.

Toward the Diet passage of the bill for issuance of deficit-covering government bonds, the government and the DPJ should create an environment in which they can secure cooperation from the opposition parties.

Yosuke Isozaki, a special adviser to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, has come under fire from opposition parties as he said during a speech in the city of Oita that the legal stability of the security bills now under deliberation in the Diet doesn’t matter.

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