
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

overseas transaction


overseas transactionの関連語句

overseas transactionの用例

An increase in transactions that brokerages handle has accompanied the brisk stock market business.

As stealth marketing by postings is problematic, the Consumer Affairs Agency has revised its guidelines for online transactions under the Law for the Prevention of Unreasonable Premiums and Misrepresentations concerning Products and Services.

Bitcoins are not recognized as currency under Japanese laws and transactions using them should be taxed on the income, corporate and consumption tax laws.

Eleven euro states agreed to press ahead with a financial transaction tax.

Financial authorities should stiffen the penalties for illegal transactions to protect the financial system from rumors and speculative investment.

In affiliated loans, banks are required to void the transactions by demanding credit loan companies repay the loans if the banks find problems with their loan customers.

In its guidelines for banking supervision, the Financial Services Agency calls on banks not to make transactions with crime-affiliated forces.

In the case of sale by the licensee to an affiliated company thereof, such royalties shall be calculated based upon the price which would be charged if the transaction were an arm’s length transaction.

Keeping in mind transactions with China, which has yet to liberalize the yuan’s exchange rate completely, G-20 participants included in the joint statement the necessity of swiftly shifting to exchange rate system determined by market.

The bank’s executive in charge of compliance knew the bank had made transactions with antisocial groups, but the executive did not take any concrete measures and did not report them to its president and other top-level executives.

The bank will focus on boosting transactions with small and midsize companies in conjunction with regional banks.

The firm has gone effectively bankrupt after banks suspended transactions with it on its second failure to honor a bill.

The fraudulent transaction of the company was unveiled.

The government will regulate tech giants in order to increase the transparency and fairness of transaction in the online market.

The Tokyo Stock Exchange Group, Inc. will inspect major securities companies in response to a series of illegal stock transactions using information leaked by major securities firms.

The transactions of bitcoin and other virtual currencies are still being actively conducted as they can be used for fund settlements, but the highly anonymous transaction system may be abused for financing terrorist activities or to launder crime-related money.

Two factors responsible for the recent market plunge are speculative moves intended to drive down stock prices and high-speed, automated transactions.

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