
英和 用語・用例辞典の解説

pay back

(金を)返済する 借金を返す 返還する 仕返しをする

pay backの関連語句

pay backの用例

As “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,” she paid him back double for what he’s done to her.

GM paid back some of the money it borrowed from the U.S. and Canadian governments ahead of schedule.

The presiding judge said the district court suspended the prison sentences on the defendants as they had already paid back to the state the amount of damages the government sustained in the fraud.

The Tokyo District Court sentenced the former chairman of Daio Paper Corp. to four years in prison for borrowing ¥5.5 billion of the firm’s seven subsidiaries without collateral, which was used to pay back debts overseas casinos.

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